What are Solana NFTs? Are they better than Ethereum?

After collecting Layer 1 Ethereum and VeVe NFTs,  I realised that I want diversify my portfolio so in order to do that I decide to research about Solana blockchain. In this post you will see my findings. Solana NFTs are listed on the Solana network, a fast and scalable blockchain network that handles multiple projects in DeFi, NFTs, Web 3.0 and more. Just like Ethereum blockchain Solana is a decentralised blockchain network. It was founded in 2017 and run by Solana foundation in Geneva.   Attribution: The icons has been designed using resources from ...Read More

February 7, 2022|DeFi, NFTs|

4 Reasons Why Most NFTs are on Ethereum Blockchain

In general, most of the Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) have been listed on the Ethereum blockchain network. Despite the fact that Ethereum network charges more gas fees and the transactions are slower. But somehow users  still prefer it. Ethereum is leading the demand and sales volume of NFTs in the field. In this post, let us discuss why... NFTs are mostly in the Ethereum blockchain because of its large market capitalisation and user-base, security, and mature platform and tools.   Attribution: The icons has been designed using resources from Flaticon.com     Large Market ...Read More

February 6, 2022|DeFi, NFTs|

What is the Metaverse and why you should care?

By now, most of us heard about this buzz word “Metaverse”, it has been influenced by corporations publicising it like Facebook who literally changed their brand name to Meta. Some say the Metaverse will replace the internet. They call it the virtual real estate space. Further to that, as referenced in the Entrepreneur website: PWC analysts predict that the metaverse will significantly contribute to the global economy, impacting sectors like education tech, health, gaming, and industry 4.0. According to their findings, themetaverse ecosystemcould be worth $1.5 trillion by 2030.         But, What is the Metaverse? ...Read More

February 3, 2022|DeFi, NFTs|

12 NFT Marketplaces you Should use

With the excitement around NFT space, you may want to know how to get started. Well, in short you will need to find a marketplace relevant to your interest and set up your wallet that will hold the NFTs you bought. Choosing your NFT marketplace will depends on your goal whether you want to buy NFTs that are associated with communities, led by venture capitalists, decentralised or even licensed NFTs. You won’t go wrong by signing up on marketplaces like LooksRare or OpenSea (Ethereum network). If you are a gas fee cautious Mintable (Layer 2 ...Read More

February 2, 2022|DeFi, Investment, NFTs|

4 Ways to make Passive Income from NFTs

I am sure you heard about someone sharing his experience about how he bought a NFT for few hundred dollars and then sold for thousands of dollars. This strategy only works by buying in a good project in a proper time then selling it. For some of us like myself, we do not necessary want to buy and sell NFTs actively all the time specially if we like what we have. There are ways to make money passively from NFTs by holding, renting, staking, and engaging with them. In this post we will discuss 4 ...Read More

January 30, 2022|DeFi, Investment, NFTs|

What NFTs Should I buy? a Comprehensive Guide

Buying NFTs is one of the riskiest decisions you may take specially if your purposes is investing. When buying one, you will need to know what is your goal, do you want to keep it as a digital art? Invest for long-term returns? Or trade for the short-term? Investing into NFTs can be categorised into two type of analysis, one is by buying in long-term projects which are known as blue chips, and the other way is by short-term trading NFTs which includes many techniques like buying the hype, snipping, and flip from mint stage. ...Read More

January 25, 2022|DeFi, Investment, NFTs, Uncategorized|

Are NFTs Bad for the Environment? the Problem and Possible Solutions

You may have came across articles and people discussing how bad NFTs are for the environment. Is it true? The short answer is yes it is bad if you are using the Ethereum network which is the most popular and the one we will focus on this post. Ethereum transactions are considered bad to the environment consuming around 98 terawatt-hours of electrical energy annually which comparable to power consumption of Kazakhstan and Carbon footprint comparable to Finland (according to Digiconomist as of 14 December 2021). However, there are three possible ways to solve this issue. ...Read More

January 22, 2022|DeFi, NFTs|

Why are NFTs Expensive? 7 Reasons that Makes NFTs Valuable

Most people will view NFTs as part of the “greater fool theory” where they believe that demand is the main reason of the value while disregarding its other value creation functions. I agree, demand has significant influence, whatever the crowd goes to buy everyone else follows but it is not all the value driver. Unlike random files, an NFT is a programmed file with metadata (unique identifier) that is kept in its holder’s wallet/account through the blockchain technology. This NFT information is public to everyone which means everyone can identify the current owner of the ...Read More

December 11, 2021|DeFi, NFTs|

Is NFT a Cryptocurrency? NFTs vs. Cryptocurrencies Explained

When it comes to traditional investing the markets are very efficient and lacks discrepancy most of the time. On the other hand, both cryptocurrencies and NFTs (Non-fungible tokens) are still in their early stages and are not efficient when it comes to pricing thus creating opportunity for buyers to make substantial income/losses. In this post we will talk about the difference between the NFTs and cryptocurrencies. I am assuming you already have some idea about each of them.     Cryptocurrency is a digital currency issued in a private system, it is not regulated and ...Read More

November 7, 2021|DeFi, Investment, NFTs|

Are NFTs a Pyramid Scheme? 4 Reasons Why it Feels Like it

You may have heard that NFTs are pyramid scheme and holders want to sell you for their own benefits. On the other side of the argument, you will find a technical guy trying to explain it to you from A to Z and why it is not. As a quick answer to your question, NFTs main purpose is not to be a pyramid scheme. But certain projects can structured to be. Before we start, here is a link to an article from the Verge if you want to have an idea about what are NFTs ...Read More

October 24, 2021|DeFi, Investment, NFTs|