What NFTs Should I buy? a Comprehensive Guide

Buying NFTs is one of the riskiest decisions you may take specially if your purposes is investing. When buying one, you will need to know what is your goal, do you want to keep it as a digital art? Invest for long-term returns? Or trade for the short-term? Investing into NFTs can be categorised into two type of analysis, one is by buying in long-term projects which are known as blue chips, and the other way is by short-term trading NFTs which includes many techniques like buying the hype, snipping, and flip from mint stage. ...Read More

January 25, 2022|DeFi, Investment, NFTs, Uncategorized|

Difference between Depreciation, Amortisation and Depletion

Corporations own long term assets including tangible assets like buildings, intangible like copyrights, and natural resources like ore deposits. As it comes to value these assets there should be a way to devalue. To do that there are three concepts to know. Depreciation, amortisation and depletion. Depreciation is the cost reduction spread of the useful life of a tangible asset, amortisation is the deduction of the intangible assets and depletion is extracting cost of resources. Quick Recap  In accounting not all figures are actual, there are numbers that are recorded in advanced or vis a ...Read More